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Computer : Important Notes


Short Question Answer :


Q1. Which keys are used to delete characters?

The backspace key and delete key is used to delete characters.


Q2. Why do we use the spacebar key?

The spacebar key is used to enter space between two words.


Q3. Write the use of shift key.

The shift key is a modifier key which is used to type capital letters and other alternates for uppercase letters.


Q4. How can you increase your typing speed?

We can increase our typing speed by following the rules of touch typing.


Q5. What is Home row?

The row which starts from the beginning of Caps Lock key and contains letters F, D, S, A and J, K, L, ; is called the Home row.


Q6. Write any four rules of touch typing.

Any four rules of touch typing are as follows:

  • Place the required fingers on the Home row.
  • To press the spacebar use the thumb of whichever hand is more convenient.
  • Use the right little  finger to press the enter key
  • To type Uppercase letters and symbols appearing on keys in number row press the shift key with little finger of the other hand and type the letter.

 Q7. What is the use of right click of mouse?

The right click of mouse is used to bring up the context menu.


Q8. What actions does hover of mouse achieve?

Hover of mouse is used to get information about icon or preview of an effect by moving the mouse on it.


Q9. State the different color indicators of Results window.

The different colors of Results window are

  • Green letter denote right inputs.
  • Yellow letters stand for right inputs exceeding the acceptable timeframe.
  • Red letters denote wrong inputs within the acceptable timeframe.
  • Orange letters indicate wrong inputs that also exceed the acceptable timeframe.

 Q10. How do you select a level?

To select a level click on the first tab on the screen and then select the required level from the list.



Q11. What is the use of wallpapers?

Wallpapers are used to change the background of the screen.



Q12. What is Statistics window?

The Statistics window is the one which displays the result of the lessons which has been already completed.


Q13. Give the names of buttons available in Course window.

The buttons available in Course window are Speed CPM, Speed WPM, Accuracy and Delete.


Q14. What is lesson editor?

Lesson editor is a editor which is used to customize lessons i.e add, change, import/export and remove courses and lesson and review each lesson’s statistics.


Q15. How will you add a lesson in Rapid Typing?

Steps to add a lesson in Rapid Typing are

·         Click on Add a New Course button on the taskbar.

·         Specify the name for the course in the Course Title and then choose the level from Level drop-down list

·         Click on OK

 Q16. What are alphanumeric keys?

Alphanumeric keys refer to all the letters and number on the keyboard i.e. A-Z and 0-9. They are used for typing numbers, symbols and letters.


Q17. Write other names of touch typing.

The other names of touch typing are touch type, touch method and touch and type method.


Q18. Define Home row of the keyboard.

The row which starts from the beginning of Caps Lock key and contains letters F, D, S, A and J, K, L, ; is called the Home row.


Q19. Write the use of result window

The result window displays our achievements in the lesson. It consists of two tabs Rating and Errors. Rating tab display the level, typing speed and accuracy in percentage while Errors window shows detailed statistics for the current lesson.


Q20. What is the role of Navigation panel in the lesson editor?

The Navigation panel in the lesson editor is used to show the existing lessons.


Q21. Define Touch Typing.

Touch Typing is a technique of pressing keys for typing text without looking at the keyboard keys.



Q22. What is Rapid Typing?

Rapid Typing is one of the popular software which helps us to learn the concept of touch typing.


Q23. Write the steps to open Rapid Typing software on your computer.

The steps to open Rapid Typing software are

  • Click on Start button
  • Select All Programs options
  • Click on Rapid Typing option.
  • Again click on Rapid Typing option in the submenu

 Q24. Define all levels of Rapid Typing software in brief.

The levels of Rapid Typing software are

Beginner: It is used by fresher’s using the software for the first time.

Intermediate: It is used by those who have skills of beginner level and want to improve their touch typing skills.

Expert: It is used by those who have knowledge of both levels and want to be an expert in touch typing.


Q25. Why do you use the Statistics window?

We use the Statistics window to see the result of the lessons which we have already completed.



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